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A little greedy ....

Writer's picture: bienvenuealamaisonbienvenuealamaison

Updated: May 20, 2023

On the occasion of the celebration of the Old Bread Ovens of Chaudenay, I launched into the production of artisanal jams: fruits from the garden + seasonal fruits according to my inspiration. I like to combine fruits with spices to travel in the morning. These are light notes that enhance the taste of the fruit. I have set up a deposit for the pots: 1€ Here is the stand that was held by my daughter Charlotte: and I just discovered the slideshow function;), so scroll down.

Here are the posters with the compositions of the different pots according to the capacities: fruits + spices / perfume. 250 G: we dare......

350 G : and we sign....

Please let me know your suggestions, desires, ideas for perfumes and associations. I am fond of all the suggestions in addition to the ideas that I have in mind. You can pass for the moment preferably the WE to supply or re-supply :). If you want to come during the week, give me a call first. You can also order for Lyonnais and they will be delivered to their homes. A little parade for the road!

The novelties of the weekend of September 03:

  • Garden Muscat / Gingerbread Spices

  • Garden Figs / Cinnamon

  • Grapefruit / Mountain Honey + 5 spices

They will soon have their class photo in the slideshow.

And here are the new ones from the weekend of October 8: Quince Jelly / Star Anise

Who were followed by Jelly of Quinces :

  • Green Anise

  • Clove

  • Gingerbread

  • Cinnamon

And this Friday 2/12/2022, a stand for the Chaudenay Christmas Market:

On June 11 we will be in Sainte-Hélène during the Annual March with our stand at the Local Producers Market. On June 18, see you at the Chaudenay Bread Oven Festival! On the WE of July 01 and 02, we participate in the traditional WE Open House of Jean-Claude CLAIRE, winegrower in Demigny where stands of gastronomy from around the world and the region meet: tasting and marquee for meals.

I'll tell you sooner!

The youngest in the family: Clémentine / Épice à Pain d’Épices, so comforting!

The February 2023 vintages: Pear Jelly / Cardamom and Lemon - Lemon Bergamot / Rum from the Dominican Republic

In March 2023: Kiwis / Vanilla and Rum Passion from Guadeloupe Here is below "the gourmet program" updated:


ABRICOTS (Anis Vert / Ratafia / Amandes Effilées)

ABRICOTS (Zestes d’Orange et de Citron / Marc)

FIGUES du Jardin (Cannelle)

FRAISES du Jardin (Menthe)

FRAMBOISES 1 du Jardin(Marc / Poivre de Madagascar)

FRAMBOISES 2 du Jardin(Badiane / Mamajuana / Zestes Citron Vert)

FRAMBOISES 3 du Jardin(Zestes de Citron Vert)

MELONS (Marsala / Menthe / 4 Epices)

MIRABELLES du Jardin (Alcool de Prune / Gingembre / Vanille)

MIRABELLES du Jardin (Zestes de Citron / Calvados / Pain d’Epices)


MURES du Jardin (Poivre Sauvage de Madagascar / Tequila)

MYRTILLES (Kirsch / Zestes de Citron Bio / Baies Rouges)

MYRTILLES (Poivre de Madagascar)

ORANGES (Rhum / Cannelle / Zestes d’Orange Confits)

ORANGES (Gingembre / Rhum Orange de la Réunion)

PAMPLEMOUSSES (5 épices / Miel des Montagnes)

PECHES (Piment Doux de Guadeloupe / Calvados / Menthe)


PRUNES ROUGES (Cannelle / Citronnelle / Marc)

CLEMENTINES (Epice Pain d’Epices)

BANANES (Rhum et Vanille de Guadeloupe)

CITRONS (Rhum de Guadeloupe / Zestes de citron)

KIWIS (Vanille et Rhum Passion de la Guadeloupe)

RHUBARBE (Framboise)

NECTARINES JAUNES (Cannelle / Clous de Girofle / Schnaps)

NECTARINES JAUNES (Piment d'Espelette)


CHASSELAS BLANC du Jardin(4 épices)

CHASSELAS ROUGE du Jardin(Gingembre)

COINGS des Jardins de Chaudenay (Badiane)

COINGS des Jardins de Chaudenay (Cannelle)

COINGS des Jardins de Chaudenay (Anis Vert)

COINGS des Jardins de Chaudenay (Clous de Girofle)

COINGS des Jardins de Chaudenay (Epices Pain d’Epices)

LAVANDE du Jardin

MUSCAT du Jardin (Epices Pain d’Epices)

POMMES (Menthe / Zestes de Citron)

POIRES (Cardamone)

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